Sunday, November 28, 2010

2nd Trimester

Well I went to the doctor’s the other day because a week ago I had to go to the hospital because I couldn’t keep anything down. I got to hear the baby’s heartbeat again and I just love hearing the sound of pound, pound, pound. I will be 14 weeks pregnant on Monday 15th 2010. I will be in my second trimester and thank god for that. So hopefully I am giving up throwing but I will have to go through those lovely leg cramps in the middle of the night. That is going to suck. I remember when I was pregnant with Olivia waking up in the middle of the night screaming like someone was killing me. I will just be glad when I can eat again. I read that I should gain around 4 pounds the first trimester and I’ve lost 10 pounds. The thing that helped me the most was keeping food in my belly. I have to eat something small every two to three hours. I am not having anymore kids after this. I do not want to go through this again. Especially trying to take care of two kids, throwing up, being tired and sick all of the time. I can feel the baby moving all of the time. Mostly at night when I’m laying on my side. I can poke the lower bottom of my stomach and it will make the baby move. I have to get some blood tests done at the end of this month, two days after thanksgiving and then my doctor will order an ultrasound. I’m excited to know what it is. I’m hoping I find out before Christmas. I will wrap up the news for my parents and then Donny’s as a Christmas present.

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