Thursday, May 28, 2009

sitting here thinking about him

okay i have changed my blog about a billion time and i think i am done now. well i have to be if i want to keep my pictures. i am just sitting here looking at some of my wedding photos and thinking of my hubby. we are going through a rocky part in our marriage and some days are just so hard to get through. and then the other day i stayed the night at my moms and he went to his moms so we could do laundry. it was so sad when he was saying goodbye to olivia. it was like looking into the future of what would happen if we don't get it together. it made me really sad. i won't ever give up on my marriage. i have to stay in it through the good and bad. right now the bad is just happening. and there are good days. there are days where i feel like a 19 year old girl all over today. we were at his moms and he was with his father for a couple of hours. and i didn't see him for half of the day. he came in and man i thought he was the sexiest man alive. he looked so fine today. i just wanted to get in his face and kiss him. i just think that we spend too much time together. because after all this time together i still adore him. and i only want to be with him and spend the rest of my life with him. okay i am going on and on. it is late and i have to get up early!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

getting ready for saturday

i have been getting ready for saturday for the next couple of days.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

went to the mall/ got my ZUMBA info today

today was a nice day. it was warm outside and i guess everything went smoothly. we hung out in the house today cause before we were going to leave for the day it was olivia's nap time. so i layed down with her and before i knew it the time had passed so quickly it was time for donny to go to practice. so we dropped him off at the field and then olivia and i went to the mall. we ate dinner there and looked for shirts to wear for our family photo. we are finally getting a famliy photo tomorrow. so while we were looking i wanted to find some pants that actually fit me. everyhting is becoming too big. and it is uncomfortable to wear big clothes like that. i found two pairs that i might go back and get. when we were in there i started taking pictures to see which ones i liked the best. plus olivia got so annoyed she started pulling her ponytails out. Photobucket

tomorrow we have to go back to the mall to buy some shirts for our family picture. i want to wear jeans and polo shirts.
and then after i put olivia to bed tonight i checked my e-mail and recieved my info for next saturday. i have so much to do on that day. it is being held at a gym so i am hoping that i can take a shower there if i get too sweaty. i don't think they would care anyway. they don't allow videos so i am hoping that i can take some photos for my blog. alright i will post some photos and then it's off to bed. right before i surf the net.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

counting down the day

i am just counting down the days until the BIG ZUMBA CONFRENCE. i am so excited to start teaching and making money. i am sitting in bed with a glass of wine next to me. i already drank a glass of wine and now i am on to a second bottle. i just feel like drinking... alot lately. so that is my story. i guess i am just a little sick of being the person people dump on all of the time. i want to be told i am the most wonderful person all of the time. i guess i don't feel appreciated right now and i am a little sick of not hearing what i want to hear. well that is all for now. it is late and i have to get up early tomorrow so...later

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

mommas skinny jean

i'm back in my skinny jeans. i am very proud of myself but i have to say that is was easy because i go to zumba. and only go twice a week. i will post some videos soon of my classes. if you are interested in joining i will keep you posted when i start teaching.

Monday, May 18, 2009

have not blogged in forever

i have been blogging for a long time now. my newer place of choice was myspace. but it seems a little too open and too many people were taking what i wrote the wrong way. so now i am here creating a new place and hopefully i will stay here for a while. i am currently a stay at home mother preparing myself to go back into the workforce. i will not have a conventional job...and thankfully not a 9 to 5 gig. i will be a ZUMBA instructor on the 30 of this month. my mother invested in me once again so i can be succesful and happy. my husband has been laid off from GM for a while now and things have been very tight and stressful around the house. so i have decided to make my hobby into a proffession to create more money for extra adventures like traveling and going to the mall with olivia. it's a great hobby, it's fun, and it's allowed me to fit back into my skinny jeans. eventally i will be going back to school to finish my BA and get a certificate to become a dental assistant. so if things go well in the dental field i will go to school for the last tme to become a hygenist. and that pretty much sums up my new goals.

so the hubby and i might go on a mini vaca at the end of june. well olivia and i are definately going because i need to get away for a while. donny has not made up his mind if he is going or not. we are going to n.c. to a family reunion. he went once before and didn't like it because he thought it would be totally different. i would like olivia to meet more of my family. i want to take her to the zoo when we get there because they are supposed to have an award winning facility. plus it's close to all of the ledwell land that my family once owned.

well i guess that is all the updating i will do for now. i have to get up with olivia tomorrow. plus i have laundry to do and it's really late. we will probably go to the mall tomorrow so she can play in the food court. i need to find her some summer clothes for the trip. she does not have her summer clothes yet because of the cold weather here.