Thursday, October 3, 2013

Olivia's 6th Birthday

The day Olivia turned 6, September 22nd, 2013 was on a Sunday and fell on her actual birthday. I have not been updating the girls blogs or writing in my own is because of those hard times makes it so hard for me to express in words. My hubby Donald has been sick for a long while now. And this year instead of putting a band-aid on his situation we were put in save and fix Donny mode because of his discomfort. I will probably shed a few tears and will be happy to kiss 2013 goodbye. So hello to 2014 because we have some doors opening for us and our little girls. I will write about later but will think about daily. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions this year. And seeing the love of my life in the hospital literally tore my heart apart. I could physically feel it in my chest. We have been together since we were 19 and we are now 34. When we were married the preacher said we became one from that day forward but the universe brought us together and was one long before our wedding. From day one, two young kids had a summer romance that will hopefully last a lifetime.

So on Olivia's 6th birthday celebrating her birth with her father thinking of our hard 2013 made me weep uncontrollably. I was crying happy tears because I felt even more lucky than I ever have felt before. I was lucky that my beautiful daughter was healthy and her father was on his way to recovery. And I believe that God will heal Donald. In 2014 we will be experiencing many happy memories as a family. I would LOVE to have another child because I am beyond blessed to have healthy children and when I look at my children it makes me love my husband even more.  I will update more about the past 3 months in the upcoming days. But for right now I will post a few birthday pictures and some of Donny's journey.