Thursday, February 10, 2011

26 Weeks pregnant

I've felt very good this week and it feels good to be able to eat and enjoy food again. It's harder having a three year old than working a job this pregnancy. I struggle with bending over to clean up messes and doing laundry. So since Olivia is capable of picking up her own things I often ask her to help me. I sleep as much as I can and I'm trying to walk as much as I can. The only thing that is wrong that the books say that I should be going through is constipation. And it annoys me to wake up having to take a dump every morning. That's not nice to say but a plus about that is I haven't been gaining weight like crazy. I think I've gained 15 pounds so far. I just don't like bad smells in the morning on an empty stomach, it makes me sick. Today I had a glucose test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. Olivia had a doctors appointment today because she has been complaining of a sore throat. So Donny dropped me off and took Olivia to her appointment. When he came back he was in a crappy mood, he was a mean jerk today.